
Saturday 19 October 2013

How to move the kiosk

Those days, I think about my kiosk how to move .If just imagine something,it does not has information to support ,so I find some pictures and a video help me to understand how to move the kiosk.I think it is easy understand better than just imagine.

Firstly, I need a tool to open and close a side of kiosk,so I find piston prod,we can see it in the car.

This is anther theory about move kiosk. My kiosk has a part need to move out ,so I found it might be use the theory of drawer or sliding door.From those picture,it clear to see how to work. 

Friday 18 October 2013

Improve concept

After first tutorial , I realize make the deep research are very important for our project, the more deep the more benefit for the project,so I did some research again.
I went to Old Market Square again,and think about what's kind of kiosk will be good for the customer.If I am a customer,what kind of kiosk I (or customer)like.So I did a research about how many fast food shop or cafe in this area.

From this research, I find there are many fast food shop or cafe around this area.People familiar those types of shop.It can not attract people's eyes,because those shop already as the parts of people's daily life.So if I still open that kinds of Kiosk,may be not very interesting.May be some special food will attract people.    I prefer offer Chinese pancake,because it is easy to cook and use simple tool.It can be cook in the limited space ,such as kiosk.

Firstly,I prefer design a show kitchen,because it is easy to attract people's eyes.

This is my first plan about this new idea.This kiosk deviled into two space,show kitchen and customer area.
From this people's behavior line,people easy to go to customer or take away,and I design a waiter entrance,it not disturb customer when waiter deliver some materials .
After second tutorial,teacher gives me a bright idea about this kiosk,this idea make the space more interesting.

Thursday 17 October 2013

New inspiration

 Today I get new inspiration from those picture,why not use some aspects combine the  modern and tradition.The first paint represent the mordern,and the traditional windows represent the tradition,and they have the same characteristic,such as they both use the square and straight line to show something,may be I can use this characteristic to express my kiosk.

Thursday 10 October 2013

How to open and closed kiosk?

Those day, I try to think about the issue of closed and open kiosk.
I find some image of kiosk or small container house.
Use different ways,one space can become several space.In those way,the simple space become more interesting.

Use different ways,one space can become several space.In those way,the simple space become more interesting.
This house even just has one space,the designer use the every wall to extend the more space.

Initial idea about kiosk

After analyse our project,I already know where is site should kiosk in.But I still answer some questions to myself, how the kiosk transport , how can closed and open kiosk, how can use limited space to contain 8 people,how to manage the space and function.
This kiosk is a cafe ,so it has two main function (customer area,kitchen area).
The space of kiosk very limited, so I try to make this kiosk more interesting and space diversity,I try to use different ways to divide space, in order to make it interesting.

After this attempt,I found some cases have some problems and full of unreasonable.Some ways to divide space may be very stimulating,but it will have some complicated construction in the real life,so I should make a balance between complicated construction and the benefit for the business.

May be we have some experience when we got to some cafe,we will hear some noise from coffee machine , I think how can I solve this problem about noise and provide a relatively quiet space to customer.So I want make the kitchen and customer separated.
Use this way, kitchen and customer separated,but it has a problem about deliver food,especially in bad weather .So I try to make a balance between reduce noise and solve the problem about delivery food.

So I prefer try to focus this type,firstly, it has not very complicated construction detail and make the space diversity. Secondly,it can link the kitchen and customer .

After tutorial ,teachers give me some ideas about my initial idea,I think I should think about this separated style again,why should separated the kitchen and customer area in this way? From this tutorial , I realized research very important for our project.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Initial research about kiosk

Kiosk is a new word for myself,when I got this project ,I try to definition in my word. What condition Kiosk should have? Where can I put it ? What is type of kiosk? How to transport it and how to open or closed it? When I got this project, I think about those questions.I research some image of kiosk,may be those can give me some ideas .

We can find many types of kiosk in our life,this is a normally type kiosk.

I think if  above kiosk appear at the same time, the second kiosk may be more attract people's eyes.


This is a skincare products kiosk which locked in New York .The designer used unusual material --used newspapers for this kiosk. Such unusual material used in the building I can not imagine  when I see this kiosk before.

                                               This kiosk has an unusual elevation.

From those image of kiosk, I find kiosk is a public point and have some particular functions,such as book kiosk ,cafe kiosk,etc.And kiosk can has all kinds of exterior,it can help me open my mind about my kiosk design.

Monday 7 October 2013

Initial site analyse

space analyse of Old Market Square

According to our project, our cafe will put in Old Market Square,so we research this square.I go to there during a  weekends market ,then I found  the  weekends market or activity  normally hold in the pink square,because this area is flat,it can easy to use.So I prefer put cafe in the pink area as well.

In the beginning,I want put the cafe in B,because B close the cross of the road,many people can passing this area.But after my analyse, B only has this advantage,B does not has a good environment to let people sit and enjoy coffee.C has the similar advantage, C in a exit of this area and close the fountain,but I notice many people just passing through C,compare with B ,C does not has many people to go to there.After my analyse, I prefer put initial site in A,because A meet two  conditions.Firstly, A near two main roads and close to tram station ,which has many people flow, and  one important  thing is A close to fountain. I found many people sit down around fountain.If this area has a cafe ,people can drink a cup of coffee and enjoy fountain view at the same time.It will be better than people just sit around fountain.So I prefer put cafe on A .

According to the dimensions of cafe,it is a very small space,so what functions should  contain.I think this cafe should contain three main areas,kitchen area,customer area and outdoor area,and I should design how to transport at the same time.


Saturday 5 October 2013

Kiosk Cafe 02/10/2013

main space of Kiosk Cafe
Kiosk Cafe has 4 area,cafe area,connect area, kitchen and toilet.
From this research,the cafe area is main area  which accommodate the largest number of guests is 16 .Connect area link cafe bar and kitchen,it could use outdoor cafe service area as well.Connect area is a buffer area,it contain diverse functions

main entrance 

facade of Kiosk Cafe

entrance of cafe

the element of glass in Kiosk Cafe
Container is a dark box,designer use the lots of glass as wall which solve the problem of lighting.In this way,the cafe can have the mulit-way to acquire lighting (natural lighting and light lighting) and get more sense of transparent.

Two design clues in Kiosk Cafe: circle and the colour of red

The circle and red as the decorate clue in this cafe.The furniture use red circle as the decoration,the light use the colour of red link with the other furniture.

About Kiosk cafe's problems:
From this research,I found some problems about this cafe. Firstly ,the kitchen and customer area separated , which will leads to some problems.For example,the deliver food will become cool when people order some food in bad weather or winter.Secondly,I noticed that the windows can not open in this cafe. the air will little stuffy when this area crowd many people,even they can use air condition . I think if the windows can open,it will be better than just use air condition.

Even this cafe has some problems, it still give me many fresh ideas about how to design very small space.

Friday 4 October 2013

Hepworth wakefield 26/09/2013

Hepworth wakefield gallery designed by David Chipperfield and completed in 2011,which located next to the river calder in wakefield. According to his works,the concept based on pure and simple. It seems use conservative way to appear his concept, in fact,  it is very attract visitors' attention.
This gallery contains learning studio,trade space(cafe bar,shop), and exhibitions space. The display space main in  the first floor.When I first saw this building, it  looks  like a strong concrete sculpture  attract my eyes.
 Exterior view over the river

Personally,I think Hepworth wakefield has three highlights: 
1.Plain,neat and minimalist exterior wall.
2.Irregular placed windows.
3.Slanted roofs.

  Hepworth wakefield gallery consists of 10 different size ladder-shaped block.Observing this      gallery  from different directions,it different to find the real front or back elevation. 

  Irregular placed windows
  Irregular windows broken concrete walls’rigid.
Irregular placed windows


Compare with normal building, the windows of this building surface in the
exterior walls. Normal building 's windows in the middle of the wall.

The unique form of lighting in the gallery

This form of lighting not only meets the lighting required, but also avoid direct sunlight into gallery.

Compare with his other project.
Liangzhu Culture Museum at Hangzhou, China.
As public building,the Hepworth Wakefield gallery and this culture museum have a common .They use the unique exterior to attract people.
The Hepworth Wakefield gallery and culture museum used simple and neat material to appear the faced. I think David Chipperfield uses minimalist approach to express his concept of neat and pure.